
Kverneland have over 125 years experience manufacturing agricultural machinery. Kverneland’s seeding equipment includes Mechanical Precision, Pneumatic Precision, Seed Drill Combinations, Cultivator Mounted -Pneumatic Seed , Mounted & Trailed Pneumatic Seed and Mechanical Seed Drills.
Kverneland machinery is available exclusively at C&O Funtington, Isle of Wight and Wilton depots.

C&O are proud to supply the PRo-TIL strip-till drill range from British manufacturers Mzuri. The PRO-TIL range is available in 3 and 4 metre trailed versions and a 3 metre mounted format. The PRO-TIL Select is available in 3, 4 and 6 metre trailed models.

Sky-Agriculture Seed Drills, supplied by Opico, provide high capacity drilling solutions for all soil conditions and cultivation systems. No matter which model you choose the design focuses on achieving maximum productivity by allowing drilling in a large range of working conditions to increase the window in which crops can be established.